Saturday, September 27, 2008


Ethan discovered the toilet today. I really thought that he would skip this stage of life, but I guess not. I was getting dressed and Ethan was going back and forth from the bathroom into the bedroom. I wan't really paying close attention until he was standing in the bathroom doorway waving his hands, and that is when I realized they were soaking wet. He had the biggest smile on his face like he had just caught the winning touchdown in football. I asked him what he was doing and he took me to the toilet where I found his red crayon in the bottom of it. Who ever knew that toilets could be so fun :)


Melanie said...

Hahahahaha! The toilet can never be escaped. I've had to fish many things out including a nintendo paddle, which will remain a secret for those who come over to play on it. :)

I love the video of Ethan saying, "Hi....GOAT." Totally cute! Mom and Kathy sure do love him, I hear all about him from them. Its nice to see you guys so happy!


Unknown said...

It grosses me out when they play in the toilet! I try so hard to keep Alex out, but eventually he finds a way :(

Hopefully they'll get over this stage soon :)

Aaron said...

Good thing we never poop in our toilets!

Anonymous said...

That is so funny! Thanks for sharing one of those "mommy moments" :) Denise