Wednesday, June 12, 2013

2 Weeks Old

Wow! It is hard to believe that our little Lily is 2 weeks old.  She is such a wonderful baby.  All she does is eat and sleep.  She has a couple of wakeful  moments during the day, but quickly falls asleep once I feed her.  I have loved snuggling with her and so have her brothers.
2 Week Stats
Height: 20 inches
Weight: 7.1 lbs (back to original weight)
Head Circ.: 13.6 inches


todd said...

Can't wait to see her!

Kat said...

I'm missing it!! When can we get together? I'm in clinic every day until 5 :( I don't want to miss her tiniest days. BTW, that's a really cute blanket she's wrapped up in. Love it!