Landon had his 2 month appointment yesterday. He is such a big and healthy beautiful boy.
Weight: 12.6 lbs, 75%
Height: 24 1/4lbs, 93%
Head: 39cm, 25%
Since Landon looked a little like my Dad when he was born, maybe he will also be tall like him too.
He loves to lift his head and look around at everything going on, and he loves to smile and coo at anyone who talks to him.
We are very happy that he is progressing as he should and bringing so much joy to our lives.
He really is a beautiful baby. I love the binki under his chin. I used to think all my pictures with those in them were going to be made fun of until I realized that it was a great measuring tool and with each picture I noticed that my babies were bigger and that little binki smaller. Glad to hear he is healthly.
Can't be my kid! I guess we still need to wait for him to pass the real test: Does he suck on his thumb or two fingers?
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