Whoever knew that living with a 2 year old could be so hilarious. Ethan says some pretty funny things daily and I thought that I could share them with you.
On Sunday our Bishop was talking about Haiti and if anyone wanted to donate that they could give to the Humanitarian fund. When he said Humanitarian Ethan looked up at me with his wide eyes and said "He-man!" It was hard not to bust up laughing in the middle of sacrament meeting.
When Ethan is being noisy we ask him to please be quiet, and his response is usually "NO, You be quiet!
Sometimes when we ask him to pick up his toys he tells us "No thanks, you pick them up." Aaron really has a hard time not smiling at his little boy when he says these things.
Ethan was eating a Sponge Bob candy cane the other day and said "Ummmmm, this is good stuff!"
Ethan keeps telling me that I'm a "Silly Monkey" so the other day I told him he was a "Silly Monkey" and he looked right at me with a serious look and stated "No, I'm Ethan." Oh, of course, silly me.
As most of you know we have conquered going pee-pee in the potty, but number two has been more of a challenge. We were driving to church a couple of weeks ago and I was saying something to Aaron about Ethan going poop in the potty, and from the back seat we hear "I pooped, I pooped Christmas." We immediately started laughing.
So as you can see there is never a dole moment with this 2 year old.