Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Focus your energy

My Mom sends me motivational quotes about every other day. So I thought I would share this one with you.

Focus your energy, your awareness and your efforts on those positive
possibilities. You are here, you are capable, and with your head held
high you know that the best is yet to come.

Things have started to get a little crazy in the Stout home. With talks of loosing jobs, moving and all the other daily stresses I tend to let myself get overwhelmed with the craziness. So after reading the quotes my mom sent me I decided to refocus my mind. I will start to focus on things that I can control. I will love and support my husband and continue to put my faith in the Lord and I know things will work out for the best.
Thanks for always taking care of us Aaron. We truly appreciate it.


Lizzy said...

Those inspirational quotes from mom are pretty nice.

Carolee said...

The saying "when it rains it pours" certainly applies to you guys right now! Things go so smoothly... then POW! Go figure.

Anyway... my MANY years of experience tell me that all will be well (and even better) and the old saying "it is always darkest just before dawn" also applies to your situation.

Now is the time to count your blessings... you have many!!!

Grandma S