We have a little Linus living in our home. I would have to say the only difference is that he sucks on two fingers instead of his thumb.
Ethan loves this green frog blanket. He caries it everywhere just like Linus. He calls it his baby and if he can't see his blanket he starts to walk around the house saying "baby? baby? Where is baby?" At first I thought it was totally cute, having him love this little blanket so much, but then the blanket started to smell and so I decided to wash it. BIG MISTAKE!
I forgot to switch the laundry while we went outside to play so when we came back inside I hurried downstairs to throw it into the dryer. I forgot how long it takes to dry clothes. It was time for Ethan to go to bed and he would not go to bed without that blanket. He cried, and cried, and CRIED! We tried everything all the blankets in his closet, but he wouldn't have any of them.
So I guess Ethan will be just like his Daddy. There will be only one blankie in his life and no other. But slowly his blanket will get smaller and smaller until it finally disapears, and I hope by then he will be old enough to accept it.
Sometimes he smells like me too!
Linus was always my favorite Peanuts character, and his blankie was always so useful! I'm sure it won't be long before Ethan is using his 'baby' in all sorts of interesting ways.
Hee hee! That is too cute!! It may seem like a pain but at least he has a lovey that makes everything better! How easy is it that when he is upset all you have to do is pull out the blanky and everything is all better! My advice is to get a second blanket that is identical. Just switch them off every so often so they wear in the same, then you won't run into a crisis again! :)
Look for that FABRIC!!!!!!
you're gonna need more
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