Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Pumpkin Carving

 This year we decided to try our hand at carving pumpkins.  While Aaron was getting the first pumpkin ready Ethan and Landon colored on our very sad pumpkins from our garden.  They were small and a little on the soft side, but the boys had a great time coloring them.
 Ethan was first at making his face and Landon was not happy that it was not his turn.
 While Aaron and Ethan were carving his pumpkin I stepped in, per Daddy's request, and started gutting Landon's pumpkin ready.  Landon had a great time making a scary face on his pumpkin with Daddy.

 It was a fun evening together and I think they turned out wonderful.

Two of my most favorite people in the world.  I love you guys!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

So Big!

 It is hard to believe my little baby is about to turn 3.  Landon brings our family joy and craziness all that the same time.  I think he is a little like me that way.  One moment he is smiling and happy and then the next minute he is biting his brother.  He makes up for his mischievousness by his great smile, sweet little voice, and his incredible laugh.  Lately if something is funny Landon will laugh out loud at what ever it is.  I can't help but smile at him every time he does it.  This is something that Aaron does too, which I love.  I love when people laugh out loud.  It is totally addicting.  I am so glad I get to spend my days/nights with this little guy.  He even lets me snuggle him every now and then.  Landon, we love you so much and are truly amazed at how smart and loving you are.  If you ever want to play trucks, trains, knock down blocks, or run around outside Landon is your guy.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Soccer 2012

 WOW!!! What a fun time Ethan had playing soccer with his friends.   They were the Orange Gators.  We loved going to his games on Saturdays, and even Grandma Stout was able to make it to a game.
 Ethan was a great listener when Coach Brian would telling him what to do.  He was great at being a defender and kicked many balls away from the goal.
 Landon loved the soccer games too.  He got to have a Gatorade just like his brother and played with his soccer ball behind where we were sitting.

He really improved throughout the season.  I love watching that boy run around and get all sweaty.  I am so glad I get to spend everyday with him.  We can't wait till next season and to see how much more he learns.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

First Day of Kindergarten

 Ethan was so excited to go to kindergarten.  Aaron and I were very excited also, but couldn't help thinking where the time had gone.
 Landon was so excited to go to school too.  He put on his little backpack and was waiting in the wagon ready to walk Ethan to the bus stop.  The first 2 weeks of school when Ethan would leave for the bus stop Landon would walk outside the front door and scream at Ethan "Don't leave Me! Don't leave Me!"  It was so cute and sad at the same time.  Landon also asks multiple times a day where Ethan is.  When I tell him he is at school Landon asks if we can go and pick him up.
 Ethan was so cute riding his scooter
 Ethan has a great time in the mornings at the bus stop.

 I rode the bus the first day with Ethan so that we could learn the bus drivers name and know where to go after he got off the bus.  Ethan loves taking the bus.

 He had a great first day and has loved getting to know new friends and his teachers. 
I am so amazed at all the things he is learning and can't wait to help in his class.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Lizzy and Jon Lu's Wedding

 On August 25th my beautiful baby sister was Married to her best friend Jon.  It was so cute to see them together and the love and understanding they show to each other.
 Lizzy was gorgeous as always, but for some reason I never got any pictures of them together so all you get to see are me and my kids, and Lizzy.  I guess that is why you pay someone to take pictures.

 The ceremony was beautiful and just perfect timing.

 Don't my boys look so cute in their ties?  Aaron, Ethan is doing a crazy face like you always do.
 Don't ask me how I managed to cut Lizzy and Jon out of this picture, but at least I got their cake.
Landon managed to find a ball and had a great time throwing it in the air and kicking it to Mommy.  It was a great evening and it was fun to see family and friends that I haven't visited with in awhile.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Pre-Wedding BBQ

Ever since "the weddings" have begun in our family Lizzy has always joked that she just wanted to have a BBQ instead of all the stress of a formal Wedding.  Well Mom and Dad decided that she still needed a formal wedding, but that she should get her BBQ.  So on August 24th Lizzy and Jon had their BBQ.
 It was truly a fun evening.  There were lots of family members and friends who came very far to support Jon and Lizzy on their very special day.
 Ethan had a fun time eating his hotdog and drinking rootbeer.
 Dad, Lizzy, Megan (Lizzy's best friend from BYU), and Megan's mom.
 Mom (Grandma), Ethan, Bonnie, and Clyde.
 Jon's friends.  I can't remember their names at the moment, but they are some of the friendliest and kind people I have met.  I hope to have friends like this someday.
 Grandma (Great Grandma), Whitney, Jeane, Nick.
 Rada, Barbara, Courtney, and Josie.
 Landon, Me, Keith.
Marion, Ethan, Landon, Me.

The evening was so much fun.  Thanks Mom and Dad for all the delicious food and for having everyone over to your home.  We are truly blessed to have such wonderful parents who love and support us no matter what we do.  Thanks Lizzy and Jon for getting married so we all had another excuse to get together. 
p.s. Man I look skinny, why don't I look that way in the mirror?

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Arizona Science Center

 While in Phoenix this summer we had the opportunity to go to the Arizona Science Center.  It was so much fun to go with Grandpa, Josie, and Rada. 
 There was a great area with water that we could launch red, orange, and yellow balls into different stations.  The boys had a great time throwing the balls and getting a little wet.

 We also learned about rivers, wind, weather, and the earth.  The boys had a great time playing with the sand to make room for a new river.
 Josie even helped the boys build houses so they could knock them down in an earthquake.
We had such a fun after noon, and loved being with our family who we don't see very often.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

City Creek Splash Pad

 In July we decided to take advantage of the hot summer day and go to City Creek Mall with Kak and Dan.  We met for lunch and then made our way to the splash/water area.  The boys and I had a fun afternoon playing in the water and visiting with Kak and Dan. 

We were so glad Kak was off from school, and could relax with us, but are super excited for her to become a PA. 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A Day at the Beach

In July we decided to take a little break from things, so we headed to the beach.  The boys love to play in water and dirt so we decided it would be a perfect outing.

 Aaron was the wonderful Daddy, that we all love, and took the boys out in the water and spun them around,  had a mud ball fight with all the kids, and laughed and was silly with the boys. 
We also had a great time building sand castles, sitting in mud holes, and turning the boys into mermen.  It was such a fun afternoon.  We wish Daddy could be home all the time to have fun with, but we sure are grateful for all of his hard work, and the times that we do get to all be together.