I can't even believe that my baby is 16 months old. He is such a wonderful boy and we love him to pieces. I was supposed to do this at 15 months, but when we went in for his well baby visit he was running a high fever and had another ear infection. So one month late here are his stats.
Height- 33 inches, 85%
Weight- 21 lbs, 5%
Head- 47cm, 30%
He is still tall and lean. Landon loves to smile and has an addictive laugh just like his brother and Daddy.
He loves to play and he is always getting into things. We have to watch him closely, and Aaron is putting latches on the cupboards as I am typing this.
Landon is so smart. He picks things up so quickly and loves to play. He understands everything we say to him which is so fun even though he can't talk back to us. He can say mama, dada, ball, dog,and No. Favorite word, ball. So cute!
Landon is such a good eater. He also has to have either a fork or spoon to eat with just like his brother. He loves cottage cheese, oatmeal, bananas, apples, grapes, beans, all veggies, and his favorite has to be peanut butter and jelly. Which is one of my favorites too.
Landon loves his brother and often is his shadow. He follows Ethan everywhere and starts to cry when Ethan leaves him in another room without telling him where he is going. It is so cute to see them together. Landon we love you so much. Keep growing and learning and being our little snuggle bug.