Our house is almost complete. They have pretty much finished everything on the outside. The inside is painted, and the floors are all in except the carpet. The counter tops are in along with all the sinks and toilets. It is very exciting to see how fast they are working on it. We have a move in date of Nov. 28th. We are all very excited. The other day Ethan was telling me how sad he was to be leaving our current home and to be leaving his friends. I told him I was a little sad too, but that we will still come and visit and that he can make even more friends at our new house, which he already has. He is so smart and aware of things. I sure do love that little guy.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
New Home
Our house is almost complete. They have pretty much finished everything on the outside. The inside is painted, and the floors are all in except the carpet. The counter tops are in along with all the sinks and toilets. It is very exciting to see how fast they are working on it. We have a move in date of Nov. 28th. We are all very excited. The other day Ethan was telling me how sad he was to be leaving our current home and to be leaving his friends. I told him I was a little sad too, but that we will still come and visit and that he can make even more friends at our new house, which he already has. He is so smart and aware of things. I sure do love that little guy.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Happy Halloween 2011
Halloween night was perfect. The weather was a little cool, but the boys didn't even need a jacket to go over their cute costumes. We decided to go Trick-O-Treating in our neighborhood because it will be our last year with our friends here. It was fun to go with a big group but toward the end we were being so slow we just did our own thing, but Ethan was just fine with that.
Ethan was his typical self while we were out. He had to eat the first piece of candy he got and he wanted to ride instead of walk. I had brought a stroller for Landon to ride in and he pretty much just stayed in there except for about 3 houses when he decided to go up to their doors. Once Ethan saw the free stroller he sat down in it and said that his legs were hurting and he was so tired.
Ethan was an Alligator this year, and Landon was a Bat. They were so cute in their costumes. Ethan would try to scare everyone he saw with his Alligator and Landon would clap his hand to make his wings flap.
When we got home we headed downstairs to check our loot. It was fun to come home and show Daddy all the yummy candy the boys got. We had such a good night. Thanks Aaron for staying home to pass out the candy so I could go out with the Boys.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Dinosaur Park
We took a trip the the Dinosaur Park this Halloween season with some friends that Aaron worked with. Ethan has been a couple of times, but this was Landon's first time seeing all the Dinosaurs and trying to find Dinosaur bones.
Ethan had such a fun time getting to know new friends and running around and playing all afternoon.
We had such a fun time and can't wait to do it again.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Corn Maze
A couple of weeks ago we went to a Corn Maze with Nate and Devanie's family. Ethan was so excited to go, but wasn't really sure what to expect. We decided to go before dark so it wouldn't be a haunted corn maze. This was mainly for me because I am such a wimp.
Thank goodness we had the kids or Aaron and I might still be lost in that maze. Ethan and Landon also got to pick a "gord' after we finished the maze.
Ethan had such a fun time with him cousins. They even went in a second time all by themselves. I was scared that they wouldn't be able to find their way out, but they made it just in time to have Daddy and Uncle Nate scare them.
Pretty much every day Ethan asks when we can go back to the "haunted house." It was a fun night and I am so glad we all got to go together.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Our New Home
We are building a new home in Kaysville. We are very excited about how quickly it is going up and the boys have loved playing in the big dirt and rock piles around the house. We had our first walk through with the builder this morning and things seem to be going just as planned. Hopefully we will be in our home before Christmas. I hope everyone will come and visit us when it is finished.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Preschool 2011-2012
Ethan has started his last year of preschool. So far he is loving it. He amazes me every day at how brave he is. He walks straight into his class room and never looks back. He is also very excited to bring the snack next week. He has requested cottage cheese. I hope the other kids in his class like it as much as he does. We love you Ethan and hope you have a wonderful year at school.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
About a month ago I decided to take the plunge and get rid of Landon's Binky. It was really an easy transition and I don't know why I waited so long. Ever since, he has been talking a lot more. These are a few of the things he is saying now.
Thank you = Tankoo
Please= pees
Drink= dink
Max= Mah
Ball= ball
Tomato= ball
Apple= ball
Grape= ball
Pretty much anything that is round is a ball in this house. We love to hear his cute little voice and can't wait to see the new words he will learn in the months to come.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
This baby makes me smile all the time. We have pretty funny conversations so I thought I would share a few.
Conversation 1: Walking out of the grocery store
Me: Ethan, I love you.
Ethan: I love you more!
M: No, I love you more!
E :No, I love you all the way to heaven.
M: (Huge Smile)
Conversation 2: Playing at the park
Ethan blowing a dandilion
M: Make a wish
E: I wish, I wish to go to the temple someday.
Ethan has such a sweet spirit about him, it is very contagious. He is so wonderful I don't know what I would do without that little man.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Camping, Stout Style
A couple of weekends ago we decided to go camping Stout style. We invited Joe, Suzie, and their kids up to camp with us.
We pitched our tents , set up the fire pit, and got our hot dogs ready to roast.
The kids played on the play set and chased each other around while we finished eating. It was so fun to hear them all laughing and having a good time together.
Aaron and Ethan slept outside and Landon and I slept inside. I don't thing either of them slept very well because at about 10am Ethan was asking me if he could go and take a nap, which never happens, usually he is trying to talk his way out of one.
It was a fun evening, maybe next year we will go camping in the mountains and go exploring.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Playing at the Bay
Before Aaron started his new job we went to play at Willard Bay with our good friends the Snows. The boys love water, mud, and being outside so it was a perfect day. We brought our shovels and buckets and were ready to play.
The kids had a great time riding in the Snow's boat. The kids were pulled around in a raft and it was so cute to see them smiling and having a fun time.
It has been about 5 years since I have been out on the water. I am usually very good at water skiing and wake boarding but I had a little difficulty this time. It was very fun to be out there again though, and I hope that I will be able to go out again.
Thanks for such a fun day Aaron, Roger, and Corene. We really need to do it again.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Swim Lessons 2011
Ethan ROCKED his swim lessons this year. He was so brave and did everything his teacher asked him to do. He put his head all the way under the water, blew bubbles while doing swim strokes with his teacher, and jumped off the side of the pool to his teacher.
We put Ethan in a class with his friend. They had a great time swimming together and it was so cute to see them swimming. I can't believe they are both 4. Time sure goes by quickly.
On the last two days of his swim lessons Ethan jumped off the diving board. I was so proud of him. He was so brave and never even thought twice about doing it. I am very excited to see what he does next year.
Way to go Ethan, you BRAVE little man.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Jackson Hole
We took a little trip up to Jackson Hole to go on a rafting trip. I got a good deal on City Deals for the trip. I was so excited because I was looking for a fun inexpensive trip for us to take, but when I started looking for a place to stay I was floored at how expensive it was to stay there. Luckily Aaron found us a place to lay our heads for not to much. We went with Joe and Suzie and had such a fun and relaxing weekend.
The rafting trip was fun and Aaron and Joe kept us entertained with all their jokes.
We ate at the Bar J Ranch and saw a fun show.
We also had a fun time walking around the shops and buying things for the kids. The boys were happy to have us back but when I asked Ethan if he missed me he said NO! I guess that means I am ok to take another little vacation with just Aaron. Where are we going honey?
Friday, July 15, 2011
18 months
I can't believe that my baby is 18 months already. He is growing up to quickly. Landon did great at his appointment. His stats are
Height 33.5inches 80%
Weight 22lbs 5%
Head Circ. 47.5 45%
He is still very lean and tall. He loves to run around with his brother, and it is the sweetest sound to hear them laughing together. He still loves to kick and throw balls around the house and outside.
His favorite foods are bananas, yogurt, pancakes, cottage cheese, mac and cheese, and chicken nuggets. He pretty much eats whatever I put in front of him which is nice. He still has a little bit of a temper and gets jealous when other kids get to close to Mommy or Daddy, but I am hoping that will go away as he gets older. We sure love our little boys electric blue eyes and his beautiful smile.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Going to a park in Phoenix on a hot June day was just out of the question. So since the boys got up super early we were out the door by 8:30. Both the boys love to play at the park. They love digging in the sand and Landon loves to through it (of course). Landon came back with sand stuck to his sweaty head but had a wonderful time in the process. It was fun to be able to swing and go down the slides without getting burned. Ethan is a great brother and always encourages Landon to go down the slide and run and play with him.
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