Thursday, December 30, 2010

Oh Christmas Tree!

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree, Oh How we Love thy Branches.

The ghetto tree returned this year for its final viewing. Honestly, it has been a really good tree to us. It was a great price, a perfect size for storing, and super simple to put together.

Ethan was such a big help this year as we decorated our little tree. He even helped his Daddy put the lights on the tree and the banister.

We will miss our little tree, but hopefully next year we will have some fun memories finding a new one.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Temple Square Lights

This year we decided to go to Salt Lake and see the lights at Temple Square. The boys have never seen the lights and it has been many years since Aaron or I have been there. We picked Aaron up from work last Tuesday and went over to the Temple. It was a little difficult to find a parking spot but we eventually found one. It was a perfect night to go, there were hardly any people so we were able to get close up to the manger seen and all the fountains which Ethan loved. The weather was perfect though. It was slightly cool because a storm was supposed to come in that night, but it was warm enough that Aaron didn't wear a coat.
The lights were truly beautiful and it was just what we needed to put us in the "real" Christmas spirit.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Happy 29th

I had another great Birthday this year. It all started with going to dinner with my sweet husband, and two boys on Saturday. I love being with my family and making memories together. Then on Sunday Ethan and Aaron made me a birthday cake. It was very delicious.

I had to laugh at Ethan while we were eating my birthday cake. I am not a big fan of frosting, but Aaron loves it and so does his Dad. I took the top layer of frosting off of my piece and put it by the side of my plate. Ethan asked what it was and I told him it was frosting, he looked at me and asked if he could have it. I looked at Aaron, smiled and then gave the frosting to Ethan. He is just like his Dad. I love that minnie Aaron.

I sure hope the last year of my 20's will be a wonderful year. Thanks to all the family and friends that called, wrote, and sang to me on my Birthday. I am truly blessed to know such wonderful people.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Landon is 1

Wow this year sure has gone by in a flash. I still can't believe that my little Landon is one. He has been such a blessing in our lives.

Landon is now 30.5 inches long (75%), 19.4 pounds (5%), and has a head circumference of 46 centimeters (45%). He is becoming such a big boy.

Landon loves cereal. He is always looking for someone to share with him, or have a bowl of his own. He is a little more pickier with food then his brother, but is learning to like more foods as he gets older. He does love cottage cheese though:)

Landon's favorite toy is any type of ball. He is so cute with them. He throws them and chases them, throws them and chases them, over and over again. He also loves to play with his brother and Daddy, well mostly he just tries to chew on all the toys. He is a very fast crawler, and pulls himself up on the furniture and cruises around the house.

He loves listening to music with his Daddy and dancing/bouncing to the beat. He loves to smile and laugh and I just love to hear his little voice.

We are so excited to see all of the things he will accomplish in the years to come.