Wow this year sure has gone by in a flash. I still can't believe that my little Landon is one. He has been such a blessing in our lives.
Landon is now 30.5 inches long (75%), 19.4 pounds (5%), and has a head circumference of 46 centimeters (45%). He is becoming such a big boy.
Landon loves cereal. He is always looking for someone to share with him, or have a bowl of his own. He is a little more pickier with food then his brother, but is learning to like more foods as he gets older. He does love cottage cheese though:)
Landon's favorite toy is any type of ball. He is so cute with them. He throws them and chases them, throws them and chases them, over and over again. He also loves to play with his brother and Daddy, well mostly he just tries to chew on all the toys. He is a very fast crawler, and pulls himself up on the furniture and cruises around the house.
He loves listening to music with his Daddy and dancing/bouncing to the beat. He loves to smile and laugh and I just love to hear his little voice.
We are so excited to see all of the things he will accomplish in the years to come.