Ethan has been in his Big Boy bed for about 3 weeks now and is doing fabulous. I waited so long to move him over from his crib because I thought that he would always be trying to get out, but it is just the opposite. Ethan does great in his car bed. He has only fallen out once which was sad but pretty hilarious at the same time.
Ethan even helped his daddy move the crib bed up in anticipation of our new arrival. He was so excited to help Daddy that he got most of his tools out and started working on the crib too. It was very cute to see them working together.
Ethan is starting to climb everything on the play ground. It is fun to see him growing up that way. We go to the playground with Ethan's friend Coulson on the days that I don't have to work.
The boys love to swing on the bars above the slides and then slide down. It is fun to watch them be silly.
Ethan is also potty training. The first week was awful, but he is doing great now. I would have to say that potty training is not always the most convenient thing especially when the park locks the bathrooms and when we run lots of errands on my days off, but given those things he is kicking booty, and it will be nice to only have one baby in diapers.
We have also started to teach Ethan to say his personal prayers. It is so hilarious that it is hard not to laugh while he does it. He loves to bless everyone and everything, and when we finally get him to say amen, he asks to do it again. Hopefully his enthusiasm will continue through his whole life :)